June 2, 2021

Bad News Deers Is Real? - Overtime on Inferno: EP17

Bad News Deers Is Real? - Overtime on Inferno: EP17

Logan Ramhap and Aizyesque talk about the finale of the RMR's, the eventual creation of Bad News Deers and Coldzera's future.

Refer your friends here: https://refer.fm/overtime 

Show notes: https://rb.gy/nfxzqp


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Discord: https://discord.gg/XZ7AAsr25q

Our Twitters: Logan: https://twitter.com/loganramhap 

Aizyesque: https://twitter.com/aizyesque 

TL;DR: https://twitter.com/readtldr 

Music from https://www.podcast.co/

(00:00) - Intro

(00:15) - RMR Events

(14:54) - Shakezullah to BnB + cs_summit

(25:09) - Coldzera benched + zews off of EG

(38:10) - Listener Mail