Jan. 5, 2023

Cloud9’s new support, Valve tries their hand at ranking and EG’s Clown Car

Cloud9’s new support, Valve tries their hand at ranking and EG’s Clown Car

New year. New Rumors. New Rosters. Logan Ramhap & Aizyesque are back from the holiday break to wake you up with all the CS:GO news you can consume without damaging your New Year’s goals!

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(01:31) Rostermania 2023
(13:56) CSGO Regional Standings Updated
(15:53) GODSENT Rumors
(19:06) More Rostermania
(31:02) Bold Predictions.. is bold the right word?

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Logan: https://twitter.com/loganramhap
Aizyesque: https://twitter.com/aizyesque
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