Ryan Friend

Ryan Friend Profile Photo

Editor in Chief @ Dust2.us

March 23, 2023

The NA RMR and the fall of Heroic, with Ryan@Dust2!

RyanAtDust2 is here to chat with Logan and Aizyesque about North American Counter-Strike and the “positive” effects of Source 2. 🎙 Subscribe to the pod: https://readtldr.gg/podcast 🗞 Join +32K readers of our newsletter: https...
Guest: Ryan Friend
Sept. 23, 2021

The RyanAtRBM Episode - Overtime on Inferno: S2E3

Logan Ramhap talks with Ryan from Rush B Media about NA CS, post-COVID CS and Twitter. Ryan on the internet: https://twitter.com/ryanatrbm https://rushbmedia.com (2:02) - Can BnB get picked up by an org post-covid? (4:52) - H...
Guest: Ryan Friend
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